(60 Min.)
Sa 9.9. 19h
Brückenpfeiler, Dalmaziquai 69, 3005 Bern
Im Anschluss:
Das Berner Tanzfestival BETA Stage geht in die fünfte Runde!
Das Festival wird am 9. September um 19 Uhr mit der Gruppenchoreografie TRANSCENDANCE von Emma Murray in Kollaboration mit Giuliana Beya Dridi und der Musikerin Belia Winnewisser auf dem Platz vor dem TANZhAUS BERN (Brückenpfeiler) eröffnet. Dabei stellen sich die Tanzschaffenden und der Verein BETA tanzend vor. Im Brückenpfeiler präsentieren die Verantwortlichen dann das gesamte Festivalprogramm und ihre tanzpolitischen Anliegen. Im Anschluss findet BETA Stage 4 in 1 im TANZhAUS Studio (3.OG, Brückenpfeiler) statt.
TRANSCENDANCE adopts a continuous and collective approach to movement and sound that explores transformation through repetition and over duration. With live music by Belia Winnewisser. TRANSCENDANCE draws on the collective practice, Zygr - a self organizing and shared movement experience that takes pleasure in ‘deciding together’.
TRANSCENDANCE is improvised and demands participants enter into a complicit and subtle negotiation with one another to evolve their movement toward uncharted territory. This never-still approach and hyper aware quality of attention drives and affects the body toward ever-morphing states of physical entanglement. TRANSCENDANCE invites us to consider how we experience ourselves in relation to others and the spaces we inhabit.
With a shared interest in Trance, Belia Winnewisser and performers interact through an accumulation of pattern, formation, tempo and rhythm.
In performing moments of ‘coming together’ TRANSCENDANCE champions and challenges notions of individuality, observing how being one arises out of the composition of many.
For the Opening, former participant of the BETA Stage Festival Giuliana Beya Dridi together with Emma Murray collaborate for the first time with live music by the Zürich based musician, Belia Winnewisser.
Tänzer:innen der diesjährigen Festival Companys unter der choreografischen Leitung von Emma Murray in Kollaboration mit Giuliana Beya Dridi und der Musikerin Belia Winnewisser.
(60 Min.)
Sa 9.9. 19h
Brückenpfeiler, Dalmaziquai 69, 3005 Bern
Im Anschluss:
Das Berner Tanzfestival BETA Stage geht in die fünfte Runde!
Das Festival wird am 9. September um 19 Uhr mit der Gruppenchoreografie TRANSCENDANCE von Emma Murray in Kollaboration mit Giuliana Beya Dridi und der Musikerin Belia Winnewisser auf dem Platz vor dem TANZhAUS BERN (Brückenpfeiler) eröffnet. Dabei stellen sich die Tanzschaffenden und der Verein BETA tanzend vor. Im Brückenpfeiler präsentieren die Verantwortlichen dann das gesamte Festivalprogramm und ihre tanzpolitischen Anliegen. Im Anschluss findet BETA Stage 4 in 1 im TANZhAUS Studio (3.OG, Brückenpfeiler) statt.
TRANSCENDANCE adopts a continuous and collective approach to movement and sound that explores transformation through repetition and over duration. With live music by Belia Winnewisser. TRANSCENDANCE draws on the collective practice, Zygr - a self organizing and shared movement experience that takes pleasure in ‘deciding together’.
TRANSCENDANCE is improvised and demands participants enter into a complicit and subtle negotiation with one another to evolve their movement toward uncharted territory. This never-still approach and hyper aware quality of attention drives and affects the body toward ever-morphing states of physical entanglement. TRANSCENDANCE invites us to consider how we experience ourselves in relation to others and the spaces we inhabit.
With a shared interest in Trance, Belia Winnewisser and performers interact through an accumulation of pattern, formation, tempo and rhythm.
In performing moments of ‘coming together’ TRANSCENDANCE champions and challenges notions of individuality, observing how being one arises out of the composition of many.
For the Opening, former participant of the BETA Stage Festival Giuliana Beya Dridi together with Emma Murray collaborate for the first time with live music by the Zürich based musician, Belia Winnewisser.
Tänzer:innen der diesjährigen Festival Companys unter der choreografischen Leitung von Emma Murray in Kollaboration mit Giuliana Beya Dridi und der Musikerin Belia Winnewisser.
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